Note To Students

Note To Students

  • Wish every teacher irrespective of the class handled. Stand up once. Wish a teacher or visitor when they enter and leave the class room.
  • Don't interfere when the teachers are conversing.
  • Be polite while speaking to teachers, elders in general. Use "Please" while requesting and "Thank" while receiving. Maintain silence in absence of the teacher.
  • Talk with whispers in the classroom and corridors and stop conversing when teachers or others superiors pass by.
  • Read the students handbook carefully and act upon. Make note in important things to you.
  • Use of bad language, unruly behaviour and manners are strictly forbidden. Aim at full attendance and follow punctuality.
  • Be God Fearing. A prayer to God for help will always be answered by him.
  • Never waste time. Time is precious. Use it well.
  • Make friendship with students companions. They will help you in studies. Work hard and do your best in studies. Your parents and the Nation are expecting a lot from you.
  • Take part in games, recreation which will refresh your mind and give you new energy for study.