Contact, punctuality & Discipline

Contact, punctuality & Discipline

Students should be punctual in attending school. Late coming should be avoided. Irregular attendance, neglect in doing homework, disobedience and disrespect towards the staff justify dismissal. It is compulsory for every pupil to come to school in full uniform. Clean and tidy, including footwear to be polished.

Pupils are not allowed to come to school with gold ornaments of any kind or any other costly wear.

Each pupil is responsible for his/her own things, books, notebooks and other articles.

When any damage is caused to the school property by any pupil, it should be brought to the notice of the principal immediately.

Enlisting students to the school implies that the parents / guardians and students agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the school formed by the management from time to time.

Every pupil is expected to be courteous and good-natured. Misbehaviour and use of foul language, gross insubordination to school authorities and teachers will be seriously dealt with, which may even lead to expulsion of the pupil concerned from the school.